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Paperback - Clouds Are Always White On Top
ebook - Terra Non Firma Earth
Hardback Book - Dinosaurs and the Expanding Earth
The Hidden History of Earth Expansion
Deceptive Bends
Karl-Heinz Jacob’s Biography
Karl-Heinz Jacob was born in 1940 in Halle/Saale (Germany). In 1959, he moved from the GDR to West Berlin, where he studied mining engineering from 1961 to 1967 at the Technical University (TU) Berlin. Before and during the studies he worked as a handyman in underground ore and coal mines and took part in mining excursions to France, England and Italy. After studying he started his career as a prospector at a copper mine in Norway. In 1974 he received his doctorate summa cum laude from the Institute of Ore Research and Economic Geology at the TU Berlin on a topic regarding the distribution of rare earth elements in fluorspar deposits. From 1972 to 2004 he held the professorship for mineral deposits and raw materials research at the same institute. His projects on four continents focused on small-scale mining, field methods for the evaluation of ore deposits, applied radiometry and - since 1988 - experimental research on self-organization processes and texture forming in rocks under the influence of low-frequency electric fields. K.-H. Jacob lives together with his wife Lucilla in Berlin.

Books with Oneoff

The Hidden History of Earth Expansion