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An Independent Book Publisher
Format: Kindle eBook
Figures: 72
Publisher: Oneoff
Recommended Price: Base Price  £4.50
Publication date: 4th September 2011
Available:  Amazon (UK, US, AU, BR, CA, DE, ES, FR, IN, IT, JP, NL)

Other editions: Hardback, Google eBook
Book details
Have you seen the huge dinosaurs footprint in Colorado? Or in Australia? Have you looked critically at a dinosaur skeleton in a Paleontology Museum (If you visit the Cappellini Museum in Bologna)? The size, posture and estimated weight of these giants are impressive and the problem of the mechanical deambulation of such large bodies has been posed many times. ... The book is written in a plain straightforward style ... Its clear and lively descriptions lead the reader straight to the core of the arguments.

‘... something completely different ... an original work rather than a re-presentation of existing knowledge ... well presented’
Geology Today

‘(It’s) ... shown that Dinosaurs' bones could not have borne their weight  ...  much reduced surface gravity is essential for Dinosaurs to have existed’
Professor S. Warren Carey, University of Tasmania

‘(This) cleared up a very contentious issue for me ... I checked my mathematical modeling today and discovered ... surface gravity during the Permian was about 50% what it is today, precisely what you are suggesting’
Dr James Maxlow, Geologist

‘I thought I was the only one who questioned the riddle of Dinosaur size. (This) book is fascinating ... I'm pleased and at the same time a little envious. I could never have written a better study of this phenomenon’
Edwin Myers, Film maker

‘... the bones of the larger Dinosaurs were too weak to support their own body weight ... they could only have evolved at a time when the force of gravity at the earth's surface was much less than at present ... we can understand the huge size of the Dinosaurs’
Emeritus Professor Endersbee, Monash University

‘This book touches upon what is today considered forbidden scientific territory, ... this wonderful text is the best we have. I hope it brings forth the second generation of researchers this subject area so desperately needs’
Amazon UK   
Dinosaurs were impossibly large creatures which dwarf the life of today. This third edition of Dinosaurs and the Expanding Earth continues to present a startling new theory to explain the gigantic size of these monsters from an ancient time. The book resolves the major riddle of the dinosaurs' large size by presenting convincing evidence that the dinosaurs lived in a reduced gravity. This hardcopy third edition provides a readily available publication to allow you to examine why many readers now support this groundbreaking new dinosaur science.
Reviews & Comments
Dinosaurs and the Expanding Earth
by Stephen Hurrell