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An Independent Book Publisher
Paperback - Clouds Are Always White On Top
ebook - Terra Non Firma Earth
Hardback Book - Dinosaurs and the Expanding Earth
The Hidden History of Earth Expansion
James Maxlow’s Biography
James Maxlow was born in Middlesbrough, England, in May 1949 and immigrated to Australia with his parents in 1953 where he grew up in Melbourne. He initially studied Civil Engineering at the then Swinburne College, before redirecting himself to geology at the then Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, graduating in 1971. Before retiring in 2013 James spent in excess of 40 years working as an exploration and mine geologist throughout much of Australia, gaining valuable field experience and knowledge which he has since applied to research into his other passion—Expansion Tectonics. James gained his Master of Science in geology in 1995, followed by a Doctorate of Philosophy in 2001 at Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia, including a letter of commendation from the university Chancellor for original thought provoking research into Expansion Tectonics. Details of his latest work are available on his Expansion Tectonics website.

Books with Oneoff

The Hidden History of Earth Expansion

Terra Non Firma Earth