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International Newspaper features Author as Leading Geologist on Controversial Theory

7th Dec, 2009: Oneoff author Dr James Maxlow has been reported in the leading international daily newspaper the Japan Times as the leading geologist to publicly support the concept that the Earth is increasing in size.

The Japan Times is ‘The World’s Window on Japan’ and contains all the major international and Japanese domestic news of the week. It is an international daily newspaper that holds its own in the world and has published an English language daily edition of its newspaper since 1897 which promises to report ‘All the News without Fear or Favor’.

The Sunday Feature in the Japan Times was a colour two-page spread that lived up to this tradition of daring journalism by reporting on one of the most controversial theories in geology. The item comprised a number of articles about the reasons to believe that the Earth has been increasing in size over geological time. In the article, ‘Dogmas may blinker mainstream scientific thinking’, Jeff Ogrisseg discusses some of the scientific thinkers who have reached the conclusion that the Earth is increasing in size and the scientific reasoning behind the controversial conclusion. One of the most highly regarded geologists to promote this theory was Professor Warren Carey who the Japan Times reported ‘symbolically handed off the baton in a letter to Australian geologist James Maxlow’ in 1993.

Dr James Maxlow’s book, ‘Terra Non Firma Earth’, was published in early 2005 by Oneoff and outlined the persuasive arguments that challenge the assumption that the Earth has retained a constant size during its evolution.

James Maxlow’s book deals with one of the most controversial scientific theories about the Earth. It is commonly believed that the Earth has been a constant diameter during most of geological time, but James Maxlow provides a range of evidence that the Earth is expanding in size. The picture of the evolution of the Earth provided in his book is logical and conclusive enough to persuade the reader that the Earth has been expanding in size.

The expanding Earth hypothesis draws on the same evidence used by plate tectonics, but unlike plate tectonics where continents are randomly shunted around the Earth’s surface as ocean floor is created at mid-ocean ridges and consumed at subduction zones, in the expanding Earth hypothesis there are no subduction zones so the Earth must expand in size as new ocean floor is created.

All these reconstructions are supported by existing and verified data. James Maxlow extends the reconstructions further back in time in the history of geology by the progressive removal of young basin sediments and magmatic complexes and the restoration of each area to a pre-existing configuration.

James Maxlow believes, “There is a lot of very strong evidence for an expanding Earth, much of which has not been considered prior to this research. The fact that all crustal plates can be fitted together back in time with one unique assemblage is relatively common knowledge. The strongest evidence in support of an expanding Earth comes from the very evidence that has been traditionally used to negate Earth expansion. When ancient magnetic pole data is plotted on models of an expanding Earth, each of the poles cluster as diametrically opposed north and south poles. Similarly, the equator derived from these pole locations coincide precisely with the distribution of fossil species and sedimentary climatic indicators, such as limestone, coal, and glacial debris. This phenomenon is impossible on plate tectonic models and tells us that an expanding Earth far better explains the distribution of all geological, geophysical, and geographical global tectonic data.”


A copy of the Japan Times newspaper article ‘Dogmas may blinker mainstream scientific thinking’ can be viewed at:

James Maxlow has presented many lectures on this controversial theory and one lecture is available on YouTube. Further details are available at:

Expanding Earth theories have been promoted by many authors, most notably Professor S Warren Carey who wrote a number of books on the subject including ‘Earth Universe Cosmos’, ‘Theories of the Earth and Universe’ and ‘The Expanding Earth’, plus many scientific papers on the subject.

Oneoff is a small independent publisher.

The ebook ‘Terra Non Firma Earth’ by James Maxlow is widely available from many ebook bookstores and is also published in paper form by another publisher. See:

Book Details

Terra Non Firma Earth
by James Maxlow

Format: eBook for Adobe reader
ISBN: 0 952 2603 28
Publisher: Oneoff
Published: 11th July, 2005
More details from:


Bill Stephen
ebook - Terra Non Firma Earth
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